Gallery & Floor Plans in Creve Coeur

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Welcome Home

Nestled in the serenity of West County, our quaint community offers a warm embrace for residents.  A dedicated team, including dementia trained caregivers, provides personalized, compassionate care and unwavering support, ensuring both residents and their families feel cared for and understood.

Chef-prepared meals delight and nourish, while group fitness classes and organized outings foster a sense of a stable, supportive community. We strive to make all our residents feel at home.

Our studio memory care apartments provide a secure and comfortable environment where residents can thrive. We invite you to visit us today to learn more about our community and see our apartments for yourself.

Our Living Space Amenities

Our suites boast essential amenities for comfort and convenience. Enjoy:

  • All utilities included
  • Safety features and emergency call system
  • Housekeeping and laundry services

View Our Floor Plans

We offer several studio floor plans with private bathrooms. Apartments are specially designed to serve memory care residents and are spacious, warm, inviting, and feature the modern amenities you so richly deserve.

View our floor plans below: Starting at $7,895.

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