Events & Experiences

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Daily Enriching Memory Care Experiences

We offer sequential daily programming inspired by leaders in Alzheimer and Dementia care. Each day offers multiple structured events and experiences purposely designed to help every resident thrive.

We go beyond the ordinary, tailoring activities and on-site events that spark joy, nurture well-being, and create enriching experiences.  

Beautifully designed spaces like art rooms and tranquil gardens provide the perfect backdrop for residents to connect, explore, and rediscover their passions.

What’s Around The Grande at Creve Coeur?

Our community offers a secure and comfortable environment carefully designed to meet the needs of residents with cognitive and memory conditions. Residents enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a secure setting and easy access to the charm of Creve Coeur. We’re just steps away from unique outings like the Antique Mall and the serene beauty of Creve Coeur Lake, perfect for group strolls.

Grande Events & Experiences

Our events and activities are designed with memory care in mind. Check out our calendar for upcoming events, activities, and day trips.

Book your tour today to learn more about our enriching experiences and invigorating outings. 

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