Dining & Culinary

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Quality Dining, Restaurant-Style

Nothing activates the senses like sitting down to a nutritious meal crafted from fresh, locally sourced ingredients—especially when prepared by a skilled chef. Our menus are skillfully created to deliver both exceptional taste and high nutritional value

Our chef-prepared meals are designed with our memory care residents in mind. Served restaurant-style on colored plates, we use a picture menu and a distraction free dining room. 

Your loved one will experience the family atmosphere and attentive care that make us a premier memory care experience.

Restaurant-Style Dining at The Grande at Creve Coeur

Our in-house chefs create delicious menus featuring fresh, local ingredients. We cater to resident preferences while offering a delightful variety of dishes, ensuring familiar favorites alongside exciting new discoveries.

Our bright, spacious dining room and distraction-free plates offer a comfortable, welcoming restaurant-style dining experience. We also provide warm lemon and lavender towels to cleanse the palate and enhance the dining experience for our residents.

Our Culinary Gallery

Dinner’s Ready at The Grande at Creve Coeur 

Mealtime is an opportunity for comfort, connection, and routine. Dining is a crucial ingredient in our comprehensive memory care program. Visit us today to see how we incorporate memory care into every facet of our community.

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